| Global Coalition Side Event to the XXII World Congress, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated on-going changes and shed light on the risks associated to emerging disruptive situations, such as new pandemics and climate change effects. Ensuring continuity of businesses operations while protecting the safety and health of workers has put in evidence the need of having agile and innovative responses to address existing and upcoming risks.
The Global Coalition for Safety and Health at Work was conceived in 2017 during the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Singapore with the objective of addressing common occupational safety and health challenges by generating strategies and practical solutions that can benefit for a global perspective.
This side event will bring together representatives from the Global Coalition’ Task Groups to discuss the challenges faced by OHS professionals, innovative strategies and solutions and how global partnership and collaboration can help find solutions for future challenges.
The event will include remarks from the following speakers and panelists:
Vera Paquete-Perdigao, Director, GOVERNANCE and TRIPARTISM Department, ILO
Joaquim Pintado Nunes, Branch Chief LABADMIN/OSH, ILO
Tim Tregenza, EU-OSHA, Global Coalition Task Group on OSH and the Future of Work
Tommi Alanko, FIOH, Global Coalition Task Group on the Vision Zero Concept
Johannes Siegrist, ENETOSH, Global Coalition Task Group on OSH and Higher Education
Jukka Takala, ICOH, Global Coalition Task Group on Regional Data (tbc)
Kris de Meester, International Organisation of Employers (tbc)
Rory O’Neill, International Trade Union Confederation (tbc)
Ana Catalina Ramirez, LABADMIN/OSH, ILO
Maria Fernanda Campos, Inspector-General, Authority for Working Conditions of Portugal, member of the Steering Committe of the Global Coalition for Safety and Health at Work